The configuration format for IRC servers has changed.

Instead of the previous [MESSAGING] section there is now one section for each server. In order to update your joinmarket.cfg you have to move all options concerning one server into its own section with a section name in the format of [MESSAGING:servername].


old config:

host =,,
channel = joinmarket-pit, joinmarket-pit, joinmarket-pit
port = 6697, 14716, 12345
usessl = true, true, false
socks5 = false, false, false
socks5_host = localhost, localhost, localhost
socks5_port = 9050, 9050, 9050
#for tor
#host = 6dvj6v5imhny3anf.onion, cfyfz6afpgfeirst.onion
#onion / i2p have their own ports on CGAN
#port = 6698, 6667
#usessl = true, false
#socks5 = true, true

new config:

host =
channel = joinmarket-pit
port = 6697
usessl = true
socks5 = false
socks5_host = localhost
socks5_port = 9050

#for tor
#host = 6dvj6v5imhny3anf.onion
#onion / i2p have their own ports on CGAN
#port = 6698
#usessl = true
#socks5 = true

host =
channel = joinmarket-pit
port = 14716
usessl = true
socks5 = false
socks5_host = localhost
socks5_port = 9050

#for tor
#host = agora3cdw6kdty5y.onion
#port = 6667
#usessl = false
#socks5 = true

host =
channel = joinmarket-pit
port = 12345
usessl = false
socks5 = false
socks5_host = localhost
socks5_port = 9050