# Virtual Machine

# 1. Download Ubuntu image (opens new window)

# 2. Download and install VirtualBox (opens new window) and follow along with the first 8 minutes of the Ministry of Nodes tutorial (opens new window) using the parameters bellow

# OS

  • type - linux
  • version - ubuntu (64-bit)

# Ram

  • Memory size - 4096 MB (minumum)

# Storage

  • Create a virtual hard disk now
  • VDI (VirtualBox Disk image)
  • Dynamically allocated
  • File location and size - 30 GB (minumum)

# Settings

  • General > Advanced > Shared Clipboard - Bidirectional
  • System > Processor > Processors(s) - 4 (minumum)
  • Storage - ubuntu-
  • Network > Adapter 1 > Attached to: Bridged Adapter

Start the Virtual Machine and go through the Ubuntu installation. Important, for the Ubuntu username use joinmarket as this will be useful later.

# 3. Install Joininbox (opens new window)

# download
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openoms/joininbox/master/build_joininbox.sh
# inspect the script
cat build_joininbox.sh
# run
sudo bash build_joininbox.sh
  • Start the JoininBox menu by changing to the joinmarket user in the terminal: sudo su joinmarket and set a new password.
  • On the Startup option choose

PRUNED Start a pruned node from prunednode.today

  • Once you are synced to the tip of the blockchain you can press Ctrl+c to get out of the logs. Next you should exit the terminal by typing exit and pressing enter till the terminal is closed.
  • Reopen the terminal and first we need to create a wallet
    1. START Quick start with JoinMarket
    2. GEN Generate a new wallet

Follow the process to create a new wallet and at the end press ENTER to go back to the Joininbox menu.

  • To start the Joinmarket graphical interface you can exit from the Joininbox menu and type:

python joinmarket-qt.py

Being the first time you start Joinmarket-QT you'll be prompted to restart it. Do so.