# Quickstart

Once you've downloaded this repo, either as a tar/zip file, and extracted it, or via git clone:

Make sure to validate the signature on the tar/zip file provided on the release page (opens new window), or check the signature in git if you install that way using git log --show-signature.

macOS users: Make sure that you have Homebrew and Apple's Command Line Tools installed.

(follow instructions on screen; provide sudo password when prompted)
source jmvenv/bin/activate
cd scripts

(You can add --develop as an extra flag to install.sh to make the Joinmarket code editable in-place.)

You can optionally install a Qt GUI application, you will be prompted to choose this during installation.

Do note, Python 2 is no longer supported as it has reached its end of life.

# Installation on Linux

WARNING: This manual process is more difficult; the install.sh script is recommended, please use it unless you're sure you need to do this.

To install everything (client and server), install these packages:

sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip git build-essential automake pkg-config libtool libffi-dev libssl-dev libgmp-dev

(+ libsodium-dev if you can find it, else build after)

(to build libsodium after):

git clone git://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium.git
cd libsodium
git checkout tags/1.0.18
make check
sudo make install
cd ..

Then install this repo:

git clone https://github.com/Joinmarket-Org/joinmarket-clientserver
cd joinmarket-clientserver


sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv --python=python3 jmvenv
source jmvenv/bin/activate

At this point you should see (jmvenv) at the beginning of your command prompt.

Then build and install a local copy of libsecp256k1 for python-bitcointx:

mkdir -p deps
cd deps
git clone git://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1
cd secp256k1
git checkout 0d9540b13ffcd7cd44cc361b8744b93d88aa76ba
make clean
./configure --prefix JM_ROOT --enable-module-recovery --disable-jni --enable-experimental --enable-module-ecdh --enable-benchmark=no
make check
make install
cd ../..

NOTE: JM_ROOT must be replaced with the venv directory you've just created, so it will be ~/joinmarket-clientserver/jmvenv if you installed to your home directory.

# Installing packages to run everything in-one:

NOTE: It is very important to have activated virtualenv before running this step. Otherwise, pip install will fail, you may be tempted to re-run it with sudo pip install which will cause problems in the future.

pip install -r requirements/base.txt

If you have installed this "full" version of the client, you can use it with the command line scripts as explained in the usage guide.

# Installation on macOS

WARNING: This manual process is more difficult; the install.sh script is recommended, please use it unless you're sure you need to do this.

  1. Install Apple Command Line Tools

    xcode-select --install
  2. Install Homebrew

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  3. Install automake, libtool, and libsodium

    brew install automake libtool libsodium
  4. Build secp256k1

    git clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1
    cd secp256k1
    git checkout 0d9540b13ffcd7cd44cc361b8744b93d88aa76ba
    ./configure --enable-module-recovery --disable-jni --enable-experimental --enable-module-ecdh --enable-benchmark=no
    make check
    sudo make install
    cd ..
    rm -rf secp256k1
  5. Clone the joinmarket-clientserver repo.

    git clone https://github.com/Joinmarket-Org/joinmarket-clientserver
    cd joinmarket-clientserver
  6. Create virtualenv "jmvenv"

    sudo pip3 install virtualenv
    virtualenv jmvenv
    source jmvenv/bin/activate

    At this point you should see (jmvenv) at the beginning of your command prompt.

  7. Setup joinmarket-qt

    pip install -r requirements/gui.txt
  8. Start joinmarket-qt

    cd scripts
    python joinmarket-qt.py

# Installation on Windows

Before starting, note you need either (a) Bitcoin Core installed on Windows or (b) use a remote connection to Bitcoin Core specified in the joinmarket.cfg (explained at the end of this section).

If (a), then note the following two points:

# Installing Bitcoin Core

If you haven't done so yet, install Bitcoin Core, version 0.18 or newer, as described here (opens new window). After starting it for the first time, it will start the Initial Block Download. JoinMarket cannot be used until this is finished. More information on that can be found here (opens new window).

# Configuring Bitcoin Core

Bitcoin Core needs to be configured to allow JoinMarket to connect to it. From the Settings menu choose Options and click Open Configuration File. Add server=1, save and close the file. After that restart Bitcoin Core.

There are currently two choices for installing on Windows; one, directly installing on Windows, requiring the manual addition of a libsodium dependency, or, two, using Ubuntu via the WSL mechanism (which may require additional setup to make the Qt GUI work).

  1. Installation directly on Windows

  2. Installation using WSL

# Installation directly on Windows

As per the note above, binaries for JoinmarketQt are being offered with releases as of 0.7.0+. This section is for doing a full command line install, on Windows.

First, if you have not done so, install Python (opens new window) - specifically, the latest Python 3 version. Make sure to choose to install pip during the installation (it should be included automatically, but you can choose the custom installation option to choose it).

Be sure to choose the option that allows python to be in your PATH variable (you are prompted to do this at the end of the install).

Install Joinmarket, choosing the zip file of the latest release (opens new window). You should check the .asc signature file on the zip that you download.

Unzip the joinmarket-clientserver-x.x.x (where x.x.x is the release number) in any appropriate location.

Using the command prompt in Administrator mode, go to that directory and run the commands:

pip install -r requirements\base.txt pip install -r requirements\gui.txt

(the latter is needed for Joinmarket-Qt).

The final step is to manually add the libsodium dependency, as mentioned. Do the following:

Download the file at https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/libsodium and rename it to .zip so that you can unzip it. Once unzipped, find the libsodium.dll file at runtimes\win-x64\native\libsodium.dll and copy it into C:\Windows\System (note this will require Admin rights).

At this point Joinmarket should be ready to run both in command line and Joinmarket-Qt form (using python joinmarket-qt.py from the \scripts subdirectory of joinmarket-clientserver).

From here, go to Configuring Joinmarket below.

# Installation using WSL

note: The following method requires Windows 10 version 1607 or later.

# Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux

note: a more detailed guide can be found here (opens new window).

  1. Open the Control Panel and navigate to Programs, Programs and Features, Turn Windows features on or off.
  2. Select Windows Subsystem for Linux and click OK.
  3. When asked, choose to restart.

# Install Ubuntu from the Microsoft Store

  1. Open the Microsoft Store, search for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and click Get.

note: other distributions are available, but this is the only one tested

  1. When finished downloading click Launch.
  2. A window should pop up, telling your Installing, this may take a few minutes...
  3. After installation is done, you'll be asked to provide a UNIX username and UNIX password. This will be the administrator account for the Ubuntu installation.
  4. Finish the installation with updating the software within Ubuntu by typing the command sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y. When asked, type the password provided earlier.

# Installing JoinMarket

At this point you have an (almost) fully featured Linux installation on Windows and you can install JoinMarket using the instructions in the Installation on Linux section of this file.